“When you arrived on campus, the experience of working with you remained golden! Attendees of all three programs expressed the same sentiment; they appreciated your positive and inspiring messages that felt tailor-made to their individual needs!”

Sharinda Welton, UF Director of Student Activities, Commuter Services & Leadership Development


As a leader, I understand the challenges of creating the optimal event, which is why I am here to assist you. My belief has always been that a team works better when they work together. For this event, I am your teammate and committed to making certain your event is a WINNER.

My role is to be your best supporter, providing you with the motivational message which will resonate with your audience.

To provide you with the entertainment and the message your team members want to hear, I will do a pre-game scouting report with you making certain I have the right game keys for success. As team members, I want this event to be a SLAM DUNK, so I will be there early and stay late to help you with anything you need.


When Everybody Demands You Work Harder in Less Time with Less Help


leadership speech

How many times have you looked at your schedule and thought, “If I work through lunch, skip bathroom breaks and never blink, I’ll be able to get all my work done in time to have an hour for me before I MUST do X, Y, and Z?” You’ve heard people talk about taking time for yourself, but how can you when there are so many demands on your life?

Coach Winn shares her balance method that helped her out of the stress which created 11 years of chronic pain, so she could love, laugh, and live freely.

BENEFITS: Your team members will be able to:

  1. Utilize laser focus on priority issues.
  2. Double your productivity in half the time.
  3. Align values with work, life, and play.
  4. Decrease stress faster.
  5. Establish a daily routine providing inner nourishment.


Depending on your needs, Coach Winn will alter her presentation so that your team members will receive the most benefits.

Coach Winn’s presentations are filled with stories about her ability to get beyond challenges, so that she could reach her goals of becoming a Two-Time Olympian, National Championship Coach, Award-Winning Speaker and Author. Coach Winn’s presentations give you the principles to reach your goals and move beyond the seemingly impossible.

Coach Winn has been able to transform herself from:

  1. Collegiate bench warmer to Two-Time Olympian.
  2. Debilitating chronic pain to hiking over 300 miles in one summer.
  3. Being fired from her first coaching job to National Coach of The Year.
  4. Dark depression and suicidal thoughts to Award Winning Author and Speaker.

Her transformational WINNING principles are the same ones she shares with you, your leadership team, and team members.

For Coach Winn to become an Olympian, National Championship Coach, and overcome chronic pain, she had to:

  • Alter her thinking from what-if-down to what-if-up thinking.
  • Develop the WIN Philosophy which took her to the top.
  • Lead teams to a WINNING belief system.
  • Build championship programs with diverse people.
  • Unlock pressure to perform at her best.
  • Sell recruits on her championship philosophy; and
  • Become tough in the face of mammoth challenges.

Coach Winn achieved success in spite of:

  • Not playing the Olympic Sport of team handball until 19 years old.
  • Being a bench warmer during her freshmen year of college ball.
  • 17 Medical Professionals diagnosing a no-win scenario with her chronic pain.
  • Severe depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • Being fired from her first coaching job.
Coach Winn doesn’t just talk about winning; she shows you how to become a winner.
Craig Duswalt
Creator of the Rock Star System for Success

Coach Winn shows your leaders and team members how to:

  • Navigate Success.
  • Identify and overcome their limiting beliefs.
  • Become tough in the face of challenges, so they can win their goals.
  • Work together to create championship teams.
  • Become WINNING leaders.

Coach Winn inspires you to move through your limiting beliefs. She teaches you, your leadership team, and team members to do the mental push-ups necessary to move from excuses to accomplishments.