8 Post-Pandemic Mindset Superpowers

Post-Pandemic Entrepreneurial Thinking

pandemic, entrepreneur, small business ownerThe Coronavirus Pandemic certainly tested our capacity for change, innovation, and resiliency, especially during the lockdown.

During the lockdown, time seemed to pass ever so slowly; there was uncertainty in the air. This seemed to trigger all kinds of emotions in all of us. Some of us felt helplessness, fright, and anxiety naturally so.

Yet some individuals saw time as an opportunity to start new projects like going back to school, changing careers, or even taking on business ownership.

Some call this phenomenon ‘pandemic entrepreneurial thinking’ which is your ability to solve problems and find solutions during the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic.

This type of entrepreneurial thinking style is very different from being a financially successful business owner during ordinary times. It is more about having the ability to think outside the box during pretty stressful and uncertain times.

This type of thinking is shared with pretty remarkable individuals like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Oprah Winfrey. They all share the same characteristic; they are forward-thinking individuals that know that it takes much more than a good idea to reach their business objectives.

First, they know how to mobilize their resources to find answers to problems. This is one of their ‘entrepreneurial superpowers.’

Problem-solving strategies

Here’s another example of problem-solving, forward-thinking superheroes that set out to meet a need during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

During the pandemic, mask restrictions prevented people from communicating with others because we could not see people’s expressions and often hear people.

Just imagine how difficult it must have been for individuals with a hearing impairment to be unable to read someone’s face.

Deaf and hard of hearing patients in hospitals were affected severely because, during medical treatment, they could not understand their doctors or nurses.

This issue caught the attention of a group of students and alumni at the Johns Hopkins University School of biotechnology, who decided to find a solution after one of the students’ relatives could not communicate with her doctor during the pandemic.

These innovators developed a see-through mask that allowed deaf patients to read their doctor’s lips. This product was groundbreaking because it protected the Coronavirus while empowering patients and reducing anxiety.

Instead of feeling powerless by their circumstances, these students made things happen. They set out to problem-solve. They are innovators, or what I like to call pandemic entrepreneur mindset.

The Superpowers

superpower, entrepreneur, outside the box thinking, post-pandemic

If you are a small business owner or began any project during the pandemic, you are an exceptional problem solver and innovator. If you did not but want to learn how to develop these qualities, keep reading.

Problem Solving and Innovation

Entrepreneurial thinkers define a problem, but they don’t focus on the issue; they focus on a potential solution. Step by step, through the problem-solving process, they find creative solutions through innovation.

This is an essential skill because it allows you to find resources and manage them appropriately. The key here is not to get stuck in the problem but to look for an outside-the-box solution.

Accepting Changes

A healthy tolerance for ambiguity shows a high-level rate of success can be a superpower that allows you to cope and accept the uncertainty of the future in your business.

Think back on the pandemic and the day-to-day tension. A healthy tolerance for the unknown would have certainly helped us navigate through the day and let go of things non of us could control.

So next time you are feeling uncomfortable with new situations try to think that sometimes you can’t control circumstances. Rather than focusing on the pain of a changing focus on discovery and opportunities that changes bring.

Failing Forward

This skill is crucial because it lets you learn from past disappointments. Here’ failure’ is an opportunity to learn from past mistakes. In entrepreneur-thinking, you know there will be mistakes.

The disappointment you may feel is part of the process. It is an essential process. Remember to use it as a lesson but move past it.


The skill of being in tune with your emotions and the emotions of others is essential to predicting outcomes in business. If you know your customer’s thoughts on an issue, you can meet their need.

Showing genuine concern for your customer’s experience is a skill required during the pandemic. Being empathetic is vital because it can create a shared culture of loyalty and support for your business. Everyone loves a company that shows concern and listens to customers.

Creativity and Limited Resources

Working with what you have is similar to tolerating uncertainty; it’s another superpower for problem solvers.

When the Johns Hopkins students designed their prototype for the ClearMask, they used the materials at hand. They didn’t wait for things to be handed to them. They used what they had to solve a problem quickly and effectively.

In the same way, an entrepreneur should be okay with using what they have to let her creativity flow.

Responding to Feedback

When you receive feedback from colleagues, do you accept it and make changes with a good attitude, or do you get defensive?

The key here is to receive input and accept suggestions with a positive attitude.

When you do, it shows that you’re committed and focused on your business goals. It also shows that you are willing to put your ego aside for the greater good. That’s a sign of an entrepreneur.

Teamwork Approach

teamwork, solutions, post-pandemic, entrepreneurship

If we look back on the example of the ClearMask from Johns Hopkins, those students’ problems-solved because of someone who individually identified the problem to a group.

That leader, who perhaps saw the need, helped organize and engage the team to get behind ideas and find creative ways to solve problems.

In your business, are you the leader that identifies a need and manages resources to find a solution, or are you a passive member? Think of making a shift towards the team approach.


You must agree that digital communication became everything during the pandemic. Because we were not allowed to visit businesses, we relied heavily on their social media presence and website for business credibility.

An entrepreneur must invest time and effort in knowing digital communication skills. A social media strategy must be part of the business structure.

The way you communicate is the backbone of your business. New and small businesses know that potential customers will find them in the digital landscape. Therefore it is an essential investment.


Remember that entrepreneurship thinking is a state of mind that anyone can learn, and you can use it anywhere to solve problems.

An entrepreneur is a leader that has clear goals and has the grit to move towards those goals every day.

Thirdly the entrepreneurial mindset goes beyond growing a business or making a profit, and today an entrepreneur is more than a business starter; it’s being a ‘problem solver.’

Adaptability is critical during hard times, and the key is not to focus on the problem. Using digital communication as a tool is an excellent investment for a new or small business.

Finally, anyone looking to solve a problem or grow their business can learn these seven entrepreneurial skills.


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