7 Great Practices To Inspire Action When Leading Teams

Leaders are responsible for inspiring action in the people they lead. Sometimes, leaders don’t know how to inspire action. In this article, we will explore seven practices that great leaders use to motivate their teams and encourage them to take action. Here are the 7 Great practices to inspire action when leading teams. 1: Create … Read more

8 Post-Pandemic Mindset Superpowers

Post-Pandemic Entrepreneurial Thinking The Coronavirus Pandemic certainly tested our capacity for change, innovation, and resiliency, especially during the lockdown. During the lockdown, time seemed to pass ever so slowly; there was uncertainty in the air. This seemed to trigger all kinds of emotions in all of us. Some of us felt helplessness, fright, and anxiety naturally … Read more

4 Positive Mindset Shift For Small Businesses

Four Key Positive Mindset Tips for Small Business Owners Photo by Mike Petrucci Unsplash | Small Business Open Sign Many small business owners may think they need to double production and profit to succeed, but happiness comes from doing the opposite. I often ask my clients what their number one goal in business is. They … Read more

The 7 Winning Principles of Effective Leadership

There are many qualities that top athletes and top business leaders share. Top leaders can agree that knowledge and a certain level of talent are essential, but it takes more than that. My seven winning approaches to leadership describe what to do but most importantly what to avoid. These principles were developed from lessons learned as a two-time Olympic athlete and as a winning coach.

What is More Powerful – Mind or Body?

Sherry Winn - What is more powerful, body or mind

“What you think you can accomplish is the single greatest component for determining what you do accomplish.” – Sherry Winn When I speak for athletic programs, I ask the question; “How many of you think that sports are 90% mental?” Inevitably, 98% of the athletes raise their hands. Then I ask them; “How many of … Read more

Surrender to Your Goals

Coach Sherry Winn - Surrender to Your Goals

“Fear and faith are opposites. Fear forces you to try harder in a state of doubtfulness while faith allows you to be.” – Sherry Winn Have you ever read that if you surrender to your goals, they will come? What the heck does surrender mean? And how can you surrender to something you really want? … Read more

The Secret to Achieving All Goals

achieving goals

“Doubts are the disease that kills goals.” – Sherry Winn You own grace if you have clearly defined who you are and what you want to accomplish in life… AND then stay true to your definition and your desires. Most people possess an inner winner that delves out pieces of dreams and goals—visions of the … Read more

One Surefire Way to Overcome Diversity

Sherry Winn - One Surefire Way to Overcome Diversity

“The key to the victory was faith; the ability to believe in a positive outcome without knowing HOW it will happen.” -Sherry Winn Do you have the capacity to get through adversity? If you’ve watched the Olympic Games, you’ve seen gymnasts blunder on the uneven bars, vault or balance beam. They might fall off and have … Read more