Are You Telling Yourself Fact or Fiction?

Are You Telling Yourself Fact or Fiction?

“Truth is bent to the imagination of the mind. Your truth is limited by your determination to see what you want.” -Sherry Winn How often do you tell yourself the truth, only to discover that the truth you told yourself was fiction? Truth are words you tell yourself....
One Surefire Way to Overcome Diversity

One Surefire Way to Overcome Diversity

“The key to the victory was faith; the ability to believe in a positive outcome without knowing HOW it will happen.” -Sherry Winn Do you have the capacity to get through adversity? If you’ve watched the Olympic Games, you’ve seen gymnasts blunder on the uneven...
Followership: Without Great Followers Leaders Would Fail

Followership: Without Great Followers Leaders Would Fail

“If your ego gets in the way of knowing how valuable you are as a team member, it is because your ego can’t see that winning requires the ability to see the value of contribution.” -Sherry Winn How many times have you seen training offered for individuals to be great...
A Key Leadership Principle: Communication

A Key Leadership Principle: Communication

“Your ability to lead is dependent upon your ability to listen.” -Sherry Winn When I speak all around the country about leadership principles, the number one question I receive is: “How do I effectively communicate with my team members?” Most leaders struggle, because...
How You Build a Meaningful Conversation

How You Build a Meaningful Conversation

We build every relationship one honest conversation at a time. What happens in most conversations is that we fail to speak honestly. As children we learned to filter our words. We were told certain words were impolite, rude, or hurtful. We were taught to use white...