Are You Telling Yourself Fact or Fiction?

“Truth is bent to the imagination of the mind. Your truth is limited by your determination to see what you want.” -Sherry Winn

How often do you tell yourself the truth, only to discover that the truth you told yourself was fiction?

Truth are words you tell yourself.

Your truth comes from your perception of events, and your perception is tainted through your experiences.

In 2012, I coached a young lady by the name of Lindsey. Lindsey was a 4.0 student majoring in pre-med and one of the hardest workers on the team. She spent hours in the gym perfecting her shot.

During Lindsey’s sophomore and junior seasons, she was known as the best pure shooter in the conference, but she had yet to tap into her true potential. What held her back those two seasons was her belief that other teammates who were older, should lead the team. (FICTION)

Her senior season she came prepared to play, forcing our opponents to spend hours in their practice time trying to figure out how to stop her. By mid-season, she was averaging 22 points per game, 3 steals a game and was the third leading shot blocker at 5’9”.

She was rocking the basketball world.

One powerful belief can stop you.

During a game against a rival opponent, she broke her hand. The break took place during the first six minutes of the game. Lindsey finished the game with 35 points, 3 blocked shots, and 7 rebounds.

After she visited a doctor and had x-rays, her belief system faltered. She no longer believed she could score points. She no longer believed she could block shots or get steals even though the doctor granted her permission to play.

It wasn’t the broken hand that stopped her; it was the belief that her broken hand should stop her.

She played with a broken hand throughout an entire game and scored 35 points, but now that she possessed evidence from x-rays she was injured, her mind told her that she could no longer play.

Fact: Lindsey broke her non-shooting hand.

Fact: Lindsey’s hand was sore.

Fiction: Her broken hand stopped her from being the awesome player she was.

Many people told Lindsey that she couldn’t play with a broken hand, because that was their truth. I believed that Lindsey could do whatever she wanted even with a broken hand. She was that good.

Are You Telling Yourself Fact or Fiction?What “facts” are you telling yourself that prevent you from being who you want to be?

There are people who have no legs and still paint, play piano and create sculptures. They created their own truth.

What truth are you willing to create for yourself?


P.S. Lindsey kept playing and she won MVP of the conference with a broken hand. What could you do with the right coach? I’m here when you are ready. Go ahead and email me so you can live your truth.

Does your team lack the winning mindset? I present powerful keynote presentations about overcoming challenges and developing a winning mindset. If you or your company are not exhibiting championship qualities, email me at

Building winning teams is what I do.

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