7 Great Practices To Inspire Action When Leading Teams

Leaders are responsible for inspiring action in the people they lead. Sometimes, leaders don’t know how to inspire action. In this article, we will explore seven practices that great leaders use to motivate their teams and encourage them to take action. Here are the 7 Great practices to inspire action when leading teams. 1: Create … Read more

What is More Powerful – Mind or Body?

Sherry Winn - What is more powerful, body or mind

“What you think you can accomplish is the single greatest component for determining what you do accomplish.” – Sherry Winn When I speak for athletic programs, I ask the question; “How many of you think that sports are 90% mental?” Inevitably, 98% of the athletes raise their hands. Then I ask them; “How many of … Read more

What is Your Genius Code?

Sherry Winn - What is your genius code

“We all possess the code to genius. Our job is to tap into our imagination and believe what we imagine is true and then live our truth.” – Sherry Winn How do you define your genius code? Do you believe you are a genius? The difference between the winners and the losers, those who do … Read more

Can You Choose to Not Feel Negative Emotions?

Sherry Winn - Can You Choose to Not Feel Negative Emotions

“You cannot move forward when your thought process is holding you to a backward pattern.” – Sherry Winn People are interesting, aren’t they? They say they want to get better, improve, be happier, make more money, have better relationships, and be healthier. But as soon as effort is required, many people decide they are okay … Read more

Surrender to Your Goals

Coach Sherry Winn - Surrender to Your Goals

“Fear and faith are opposites. Fear forces you to try harder in a state of doubtfulness while faith allows you to be.” – Sherry Winn Have you ever read that if you surrender to your goals, they will come? What the heck does surrender mean? And how can you surrender to something you really want? … Read more

Are You Telling Yourself Fact or Fiction?

inspirational books

“Truth is bent to the imagination of the mind. Your truth is limited by your determination to see what you want.” -Sherry Winn How often do you tell yourself the truth, only to discover that the truth you told yourself was fiction? Truth are words you tell yourself. Your truth comes from your perception of … Read more

One Surefire Way to Overcome Diversity

Sherry Winn - One Surefire Way to Overcome Diversity

“The key to the victory was faith; the ability to believe in a positive outcome without knowing HOW it will happen.” -Sherry Winn Do you have the capacity to get through adversity? If you’ve watched the Olympic Games, you’ve seen gymnasts blunder on the uneven bars, vault or balance beam. They might fall off and have … Read more

Are You Awake or Just Breathing?


“The contrasts in your life are meant to magnify you, not extinguish you.” -Sherry Winn How many times has it taken a monumental event to wake you up—to move you forward, to shake you out of your funk, to help you realize your inner winner? Most people need a shove to move forward. You get in … Read more

Followership: Without Great Followers Leaders Would Fail

Without Great Followers Leaders Would Fail

“If your ego gets in the way of knowing how valuable you are as a team member, it is because your ego can’t see that winning requires the ability to see the value of contribution.” -Sherry Winn How many times have you seen training offered for individuals to be great team members? Granted there are some … Read more

A Key Leadership Principle: Communication

Key Leadership Principle Communication

“Your ability to lead is dependent upon your ability to listen.” -Sherry Winn When I speak all around the country about leadership principles, the number one question I receive is: “How do I effectively communicate with my team members?” Most leaders struggle, because they believe effective communication is about talking. While talking is important, you … Read more