How To Nullify The Excuses Of Victimhood

What is a victim? Victims are people who blame outside circumstances, events or people for their problems. We have a tendency to think of a certain category of people as victims rather than seeing ourselves as victims. We hear when other people are blaming things for their demise, but do we hear ourselves? “The reason … Read more

Master The Skills Of Building a Successful Business And Being Successful

When I first started coaching college basketball, I did what any good daughter would do, I called my father and asked, “Dad, what offense should I run?” He said, “Honey, it doesn’t matter.” “What do you meant that it doesn’t matter?” “What matters is if you can get your team to run the offense.” So … Read more

How to Move Beyond the Number One Cause of Conflict

Does being right make you happy? Does being right bring you more success? When I was a teenager, I thought I had to be right to be happy. Okay, I confess. It was something I believed until I was 45. When contemplating the need to be right,  you might believe that you would never sacrifice happiness … Read more

Winning Ethical Dilemmas

You have heard the quote: “That is why you are getting paid the big bucks.” Leaders often receive this answer when they complain about challenging decisions as if getting paid more money makes the ethical dilemma easier. Last week, when speaking on the social media platform, Club House, I heard an interesting idea around ethical … Read more

Why the Presidential Election Will Not Radically Change Your Life

  I am the first to admit that the leadup and days prior to the Presidential Election brought me great anxiety. I fretted, agonized, lost sleep, drank wine, debated on Facebook, and worst of all told my mother that she was voting for the wrong candidate. I believed that if my candidate did not win … Read more

Dysfunctional Leadership is Contagious

You cannot be an effective leader if you are dysfunctional everyplace else. When I was growing up, my coaches told me, “Leave your problems at the door.” No matter how much I wanted to please my coaches, I could not detach part of me and take the rest of me to practice. Believing you can … Read more

Why Should We Look to Women to Lead Through the Pandemic?

DIFFERENT COMMUNICATION STYLES Let us acknowledge that women and men are different physically and emotionally, which is why they tend to lead in different manners. While nothing is absolute, there are definite tendencies according to gender. Men and women who have invested in personal development flatten the curve. The primary reason men communicate is to … Read more

Moving Out of Fear Into Possibility

Fear is created from past experiences. It is the perception of possible pain or history of pain revisited. During these times of the pandemic when uncertainty is prevalent, the more attention given to the possible but not yet inevitable, the greater your suffering.   Fear cannot co-exist with faith. One or the other can exist, … Read more